What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site.
How can I change my cookie settings?
Click the above link at any time to make changes to your cookie settings for this website ('the Site'). You saved these settings when you previously visited the Site. Clicking the above link will allow you to make changes, in case you have changed your mind. Note that you can access this page and link at any time by clicking "Cookies" in the footer of this website.
About our Cookies
When you use our website, a number of cookies are stored in your web browser, mean that we have to obtain your consent before cookies are set. In accordance with these regulations, we are making information available about the nature of the cookies which we may use on our sites.
The cookies that may be used by our sites are explained below.
1. Cookies which we consider to be "strictly necessary"
The Site uses one specific cookie which is essential for its software (ASP.NET) to work properly: ASP.NET_SessionId. This cookie is used to create a session ID for the user, so that the system itself can identify the user as a unique and individual user, distinct from anyone else looking at the website. This information is not used or stored outside Nestle systems, and is held only temporarily while the user is accessing account pages and other pages which require unique and secure access. Without this cookie, such access could not remain secure, so it is very important.
2. Other Cookies
Use of the Site may also result in a number of other cookies being set. These are described in greater detail on our site by site cookie overview. The Site allows you to choose NOT to allow the services which create and use these cookies to run, although you may not have access to all the features of the Site if you do so. To do this now, just click on the "Change Cookie Settings" link higher up this page.
For useful information on cookies, see
Legal Notice Update
We reserve the right to make any changes and corrections to this notice. Please refer to this page from time to time to review these and new additional information.